Fish in Marinade

This recipe comes to us from our customer Maria. It’s a common Soviet Russian recipe. While we aren’t able to bring Maria all her favourite treats from back home we’re happy to be able to bring her sablefish and lingcod to make this delicious dish.


1 lb fish (sablefish or lingcod are favourites)
2 Tablespoons flour
2 carrots
1 onion
2 Tablespoons tomato paste
4 allspices
4 cloves
1 teaspoon ground pepper
3 Tablespoons vinegar
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt


Cut the fillet of fish into the pieces as you like to fry them. Cover fish in the flour and fry pieces on the frying pan and leave for a while.

To prepare the marinade, julienne the carrots and slice the onion. Fry in the oil and add tomato paste, then add cloves, allspice, salt and ground pepper and vinegar. You can add the sugar if you prefer a milder taste. Add water to make the substance look like tomato soup. Put the fillet into a casserole dish and cover with marinade. Boil about 5 minutes. Let it stand for an 1 hour. You can eat it hot with potatoes or rice or eat it cold next day with bread.


Classic Fish Fry


Herb Crusted Lingcod